Empowered management through improved knowledge

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Document name

Risk Management

Approved by:


Purpose and scope

The purpose of this process is to mitigate all risks to a level acceptable for safe work performance in Viendo, the process applies to all personnel working for or on behalf of Viendo .


Responsibilities and authority

The Managing Director is responsible for an adequate competence level to meet Viendo's internal requirement, and the expectations from authorities and our commitment towards clients. He is also responsible for updating this instruction.



Procedures, assessments, regulations and routines are based on given expectations and situations. All personnel involved in work planning and performance must evaluate if the situation, requires additional measures, assessments or precautions beyond the standards defined.


Regulations can never replace the use of common sense.


Risk assessments shall handle the following aspects:

  • Safety
  • Security
  • Liability



Risk is the product of the probability of something happening and the consequences if it happens.


Risk = Probability * Consequence


Accordingly risk may be mitigated by reducing the probability and the consequences, both aspects should be considered in risk management.


Risk assessments are used as a part of work planning to evaluate potential hazards to:

  • personnel
  • environment
  • equipment
  • organization.


Risk assessments shall also be used in evaluation of accidents, misses and near-misses, to gain and document experience that can reduce the overall risk level of future operations.




Change log:

1.0 Original

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