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HSE Policy

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Viendo has developed a HSE system, meeting the requirements of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 which includes documented processes, procedures and instructions. The requirements in these standards must at all times be met. All work conducted in Viendo shall additionally comply with the local legislation.


The management emphasizes the need to actively use the QHSE system for Viendo to deliver safe services, and to actively use the improvement system for further development. The Management is committed to use the inputs in the continual development and to perform scheduled activities for systematic evaluation of the system.


Our main focus within HSE is to ensure everybody working with and for us a safe work arena both related to the physical safety, psychosocial conditions and avoidance of unnecessary risk to the external environment. By planning and attention in our conduct of operations this can be obtained without jeopardizing the need of making our company versatile towards fluctuations in the market and competitive situation.


In all our work we emphasize honesty, trust and transparency to obtain the work conditions mutually favorable for the company and the employees.


The ultimate responsibility for HSE issues remains with the Managing Director, who also personally oversees that we conform to our policy and the underlying instructions and procedures.


All employees have the authority to notify labor authorities when dangerous work conditions are disclosed, we do however seek to solve any potential situations on a lowest possible level and primarily internally. Personnel notifying the authorities will not be subject to unfavorable consequences initiated by the Management based on their notification.


We are focused to conform to the regulations and standards stated by authorities and clients.


Objectives and general goals

Viendo shall have safe and healthy work conditions

  • 0 work related injuries
  • Sick absence lower than 3.0%


    Viendo shall follow all national legislation

  • 0 work related injuries


    Least possible influence on the external environment

  • Separate waste products


    Additional aims are defined in the annual QHSE program.



    We have established routines, procedures and instructions in our QHSE system to conform to the general aims of our company and also to the governmental requirements stated in the regulations for internal control. It is primarily the Management's responsibility to ensure that these are implemented and maintained. However we want all our employees to share this responsibility, not only by following the system, but also to participate actively in the development, by notifying the management of possible dangers and also if necessary to stop dangerous work until situation is rectified.

    The policy shall be evaluated in the annual Management Reviews.

Change log:

1.0 Original

Viendo as - Steinsvikneset 4 - 5251 Søreidgrend - Norway

Org no: 990794278 VAT

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