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Document name

Management of Change

Approved by:



Empowered management through improved knowledge

Purpose and scope

This process is developed to ensure that VIENDO handles:

  • deviations from described processes, procedures, guidelines or instructions in a professional and efficient way, and that all changes are documented for future references.
  • situations where procedures, processes or guidelines are missing or incomplete in an adequate manner.
  • Any changes in organization or work conditions requiring evaluation of consequences


This process applies to all such situations as mentioned above, where bridging document, PQP or SoW do not instruct use of other organization’s MoC system.


Responsibilities and authority

TheManaging Director is responsible for updating this process.


All personnel identifying situations where a temporary deviation from established procedures, processes, guidelines or instructions are responsible for adhering to this procedure. Minor changes may be approved by the site/offshore organization. In offshore operations, approval from the operator’s Marine Representative is always required. Major changes shall be approved by the onshore organization.



Definitions and abbreviations

Management of Change

is a structured system to handle foreseen or planned breach of procedures, processes, guidelines or instructions, or when established systems fails to provide such as required.


Scope of Work


Project Quality Plan

Description of deviation activities

Occasionally situations occur where it is impossible or impracticable to follow the QAHSE requirements or established procedures. To ensure sufficient and adequate quality, a formalized process must be followed. Open a MoC form, if not provided by Client, VIENDO form to be used.


Management of Change


Identify and describe the change required with explanation of reason and references to relevant documents.

  • Identify the personnel/organizations involved, clarify alternatives and approvals required.
  • Evaluate the possible and probable consequences of deviating from the established procedures with regards to risk, sustainability, economy and progress. Established Risk Assessment procedures shall be adhered to.
  • Acquire approval from the Process / Project Owner, management and authorities as required for using alternative methods or procedures etc. The situation shall be reported in the improvement system.


When approval is acquired from all involved parties perform SJA.


Implement changes in relevant documentation. It is essential that all involved parties are aware of valid versions.


Records and documentation

All MoC shall be recorded in the Improvement system as planned deviation, documentation (e.g. changes, risk assessments and SJAs) to be added as attachments and filed in Viendo's document register.


Throughout the process documentation in form of e-mails to be copied to the e-mail register specified in the PQP for the project. Telephone agreements shall always be confirmed in writing.


Change log:

1.0 Original

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