Empowered management through improved knowledge

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Company information

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Viendo was established in November 2012 as a we recognized the amount of essential information that companies has without knowing and using it.

Being software supplier independent, the company supports management in improving the foundation, and enables them to increase the mobility and timeliness of their decisions.


What is Viendo?

Viendo is a company that shall assist all industries in developing improved decision process based on better evaluations and more valid information..

The activities cover:

  • Targeted analyses
  • Organize information based on common principles
  • Establishment of efficient learning loops
  • Utilize existing systems at customers
  • Enable organizations to be more independent consultants in a dynamic marketplace



Viendo shall through knowledge and experience provide high standard solutions to empower better and lasting decisions in all industries. We shall

Our services shall be known as innovative quality solutions, to agreed time and price.


We shall be an equal opportunity employer with high focus on job satisfaction. Viendo shall attract and employ personnel with the ability to provide our clients with the best services.


Core Values

  • Independent.
  • Creative.
  • Honest.



    Through our Vision we shall respond to clients’ expectations by providing high quality services through innovative solutions. We shall share our ideas, competence and experience with our customers to optimizing their structure and operation.



    Viendo shall expand while keeping focus on quality and giving our customers cost efficient services and solutions, meeting or exceeding their expectations. Our growth expansion shall primarily be supported by strategic cooperation with selected companies having complementary competence and focus.

    To achieve our goals:

  • We regard QA-HSE as one of the important tools to achieve our business goals.
  • To focus on core clients and adapt to their needs.
  • Being innovative, always striving to improve methods and processes.
  • We shall challenge our clients' opinions openly and honestly.

Change log:

1.0 Original

Viendo as - Steinsvikneset 4 - 5251 Søreidgrend - Norway

Org no: 990794278 VAT

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