Empowered management through improved knowledge

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HSE Main Process

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Purpose and scope

The purpose of this process is to establish the correlation between the HSE elements in Viendo.

The process applies for all personnel working for or on behalf of Viendo.


Responsibilities and authority

The Managing Director is responsible for an adequate competence level to meet Viendo's internal requirement, and the expectations from authorities and our commitment towards clients. He is also responsible for updating this instruction.


Main Process

HSE wheel

Risk Management Activities

Pro-active risk assessment is the key success factor for Viendo's safe work, and builds and supports our policies.


  • 0302 Risk Management tools [Link to be added]


Our risk assessments cover safety, security and and commercial risks. Following the Risk Assessment, necessary mitigating activities shall be implement to manage the present risks efficiently.


Awareness and communication

Viendo recognizes as a fact that risk assessment without thorough awareness by the involved personnel, is not reducing the risk for undesired events. Accordingly awareness is an important factor of the risk mitigating actions that we implement and are supported by:

  • Internal communication
  • External communication
  • Training
  • Toolbox


Improvement and development

Viendo accept that despite risk attention and risk management, bad things happens. Situations develop different than expected and people make errors, we have therefore implemented an improvement system to facilitate for organizational learning. This system is primarily to make our operations safer for personnel, clients and contractors, but also to enhance the quality of our products. All identified risks are followed up by preventive actions, all incidents by corrective actions as required to prevent future incidents. Additionally feed back from clients and partners is used actively to improve all phases of our work and our interaction.


  • 0601 Improvement System [Link to be added]



Findings are implemented in revised procedures, instructions or check-lists and communicated through regular meetings and training activities depending of the nature of the lesson learned.


Change log:

1.0 Original

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