Empowered management through improved information

Section number




Section name

Quality Management

Approved date


Document number


Valid date


Document name

Update Process

Approved by:
































Purpose and scope

The purpose of this process is to regulate the updating of HSEQA documentation, to ensure that all updates are validated prior to release, that findings in the improvement system is implemented, and that only valid documents are available.

The process applies to all personnel holding responsibility for updating HSEQA documents.


Responsibility and authority

The HSEQA Manager is responsible for updating this process as required.

The persons indicated in the “Approved by:” box is responsible for the individual documents, and shall follow this process when updating their documents.



Description of the update process




Update process


Updates required due to findings in reviews, audits or inputs from the improvement system. The update to be registered in the improvement system, with required documents attached.



If the update requires a new document, the MD appoints a document owner. The document is rewritten or developed as required by finding, suggestion or changes in acts, standards etc.

Update Change Log



Document verified against external / internal requirements and alternatively initiates actions if in conflict with other documents or requirements.

Documents also verified towards formal requirements in the QA system.




Document is presented for approval and effective date decided.




The changes are published in the system and relevant personnel notified through e-mail and updated on intranet.




Old documents are removed but remained for traceability by use of the track version control.

Action initiated by Process Owner or QA Manager






Process- or Document Owner







QA Manager








Managing Director





QA Manager






QA Manager

Change log:

1.0 Original

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